Industrial Automation for Mining, Metallurgy and Chemical Industry
Heavy industry
Heavy industry is an industry that Introl has been working with since its earliest days, so we can offer many unique solutions. Due to the fact that most processes in the metallurgy, mining as well as the chemical industry, require the consumption of a large number of different utilities, we boast a multitude of applications as well as monitoring of energy carriers. Modern heavy industry relies on cost optimisation processes through precise measuring systems billing and technology. Over many years, applications have been implemented to help precisely control most processes. Our solutions have resulted in a significant reduction in consumption of most energy carriers.
They trusted Us
We work with the best in the categories
The highest standards of quality and reliability
in every situation
The multitude of hazards occurring in metallurgy, mining and chemical industry, as well as customer expectations in terms of process control, has resulted in the introduction of extraordinary safety procedures in the creation of which we have actively participated by introducing, among other things, new highest quality standards. Many internal regulations in heavy industry are ahead of common health and safety as well as quality standards.