Capital Group
We are part of the INTROL Capital Group
The INTROL Group is a group of engineering companies operating in various sectors of the economy. The Group primarily focuses on energy, environmental protection, the industrial sector, and construction. The well-diversified activities of the INTROL Group and its reliance on modern engineering technologies allow for relative independence from economic fluctuations. As a result, the INTROL Group has demonstrated stable growth for many years, both in terms of revenue and net profit.
The operations of the INTROL Group are based on three areas:
- Production of automation components
- Distribution of Control and Measurement Instruments, Automation equipment, and Rockwell Automation control components and software
- Turnkey comprehensive implementation services

1.513 BILLIONin turnover in 2020-2022
35 yearson the market
1,280completed projects

Turnkey project implementations
Introl Automatyka Sp. z o.o.
Introl Energomontaż Sp. z .o.o.
PWP Inżynieria Sp. z o.o.
Introl PRO-ZAP Sp. z o.o.
IB Systems Sp. z o.o.
Atechem Sp. z o.o.
I4Tech Sp. z o.o.
Production of measuring equipment
Limatherm Componets sp. z o.o.
Limatherm Sensor S.A
Limatherm SA
PWP Katowice Sp. z o.o.
Distribution of measuring equipment and automation components
RA Controls sp. z .o.o.
Introl Sp. z o.o.
We are listed on the Stock Exchange
Since 2007, the INTROL Capital Group has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Our strong market position is due to nearly 1,600 employees who provide our partners with expert knowledge and experience. By placing great importance on staff qualifications, we continually enhance the skills of our engineers. As a result, we have earned a reputation as a partner capable of handling the most complex tasks.